New York City Is Abuzz With Mets Fever

I’m sitting here, kinda constipated, as the Mets lead the Yankees 10-2 in the 7th inning, well on their way to a sweep of their vaunted crosstown rivals, just in case my sick, twisted mind needed any further proof that my mood has no effect on the fortune of the Mets.

They really might just be a good ballclub. As they get back to .500, I’ll explain why.

They Hit The Ball Hard And To The Gaps

This is just a byproduct of having JD Martinez around, I think. The man might’ve singled-handedly brought the organization up about 10 years closer to modernity in regards to its hitting philosophy. I would love to have a conversation about hitting with him someday. He is, as Kim would say, such a professional hitter.

They Signed A Couple Of Former “Aces” Who Were Willing To Change In Order To Get Closer To Where They Once Were

This one kind of speaks for itself. Sevvy and Manaea clearly bought whatever Stearns and Co. were selling, and clearly, to some extent, the plan to bring them back to relevance has been executed. For Manaea, it probably started last year. I wonder how much influence Carlos Mendoza had in bringing Sevvy to Queens.

They Have A Halfway Decent Manager

This hasn’t necessarily fueled any of the success we’ve seen to this point, but boy, is it going to come in handy in August, September, and October.

They’re Finally Embracing The Fact That They’re Not The Yankees And Never Will Be The Yankees; They Have A Chance To Be Something Better

The Yankees represent a New York run by corporate elites. The Mets represent a New York run by the people, for the people. Or something like that.

Let’s go Mets, go!

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