AL West Preview

Please pray that I’m promoted to the AL East beat next year. I’m a Red Sox fan, and the other teams talked about in this preview can kick rocks! Since we’re already 10-12 games in, I’m going to speed through this. I think I told SportBlog“I’ll hand it in today” on probably five or six … Continue reading AL West Preview

NL West Preview

Fear and Loathing in Glendale, Arizona  “I have all the defects of other people and yet everything they do seems to me inconceivable” –Emil Cioran It was only after my fourth bloody mary that the stewardess began to eye me warily. Not because I was acting like some mean, belligerent drunk, mind you, but after a … Continue reading NL West Preview

2024 New York Mets Rallying Cry

Oh we'll rally round the flag, boys, we'll rally once again,Shouting the battle cry of freedom,And we'll rally from the hillside, we'll gather from the plain,Shouting the battle cry of freedom. (Chorus) The Union forever, hurrah! boys, hurrah!Down with the traitors, up with the stars;While we rally round the flag, boys, we rally once again,Shouting … Continue reading 2024 New York Mets Rallying Cry

SportsBlog’s Fantasy Baseball Sleepers

We're going to pretend we've been playing competitive fantasy baseball for a lot longer than we actually have and give you some players to draft ahead of their ADP this year. David's is the longest, so I'm gonna put him first. (Editor's note: It's not letting me include David and Simon as co-authors. Does anyone … Continue reading SportsBlog’s Fantasy Baseball Sleepers

SportsTalk 50(ish) Supplemental Material

In which I, SportsTalk, offer explanations (as I see fit) for our rankings. First things first....list here and podcast here. The ranking has been separated by tiers, and as such, this analysis will be presented in tiers. 1. Shohei Ohtani, LADAs mentioned on the show, in theory, this is supposed to be a "pref list" … Continue reading SportsTalk 50(ish) Supplemental Material

The A’s Giveth and the A’s Taketh Away

An Analysis of the Oakland Athletics’ Fantasy Prospects “All is not lost; the unconquerable Will,And study of revenge, immortal hate,And courage never to submit or yield”-John Milton “God, it’s brutal out here”-Olivia Rodrigo  It goes without saying that 2023 was not the optimal season for the Oakland Athletics. If you’re reading this blog (hi Kim), … Continue reading The A’s Giveth and the A’s Taketh Away